30 Year vision to Shape Our Showground, Our Future – December Update

Stage 2 of the 30-year vision community and stakeholder engagement was held during November.

Three workshops were held with the RASV Board, Committee and Industry Advisory Group representatives, food and beverage stakeholders, staff, local residents and interested public as well as a public webinar.

The overall response to the vision presented was very positive, with the draft containing many of the priorities and suggestions from the earlier participants and stakeholders.

In addition to the community-based meetings, similar sessions were facilitated with key stakeholders including Agriculture Victoria, ISPT and Victorian Racing Club all with very encouraging outcomes.

Capire Consulting is currently preparing a report that will include the survey results and feedback, with a focus on the planned Centre of Excellence.

All of the community and stakeholder feedback will be provided to NH Architecture and will be considered in the finalisation of the 30-year vision.

The Royal Agricultural Society of Victoria thanks all of the members, community and stakeholders for their interest, engagement and support in helping shape, Our Showgrounds, Our Future.