New Committee and Advisory Group members

The Royal Agricultural Society of Victoria (RASV) has a number of advisory groups and committees who provide support and expert advice across the Royal Melbourne Show competitions and RASV’s award programs. 

The members of these committees and advisory groups are appointed by the RASV board and are specialists in their field. They provide insight into the latest industry trends and movements and advice on how to refine and advance the competitions and events. 

RASV is pleased to welcome the following new members to the Competition Committees and Advisory Groups:  

  • Beef Cattle and Beef Carcase: Cindy Smith 
  • Fleece:  Samantha Wan and Craig Trickey  
  • Art, Craft & Cookery: Malcolm Sanders  
  • Sheep: Jill Noble  
  • Dairy Cattle: Geoff Kirton  
  • Poultry: Natalie Akers   
The work from all committee members to ensure the delivery of events that are relevant, engaging and assist in further education and promotion of Victorian agriculture is greatly appreciated by RASV.