Our Showgrounds, Our Future - Melbourne Showgrounds Masterplan

The master plan to shape Our Showgrounds, Our Future is progressing well. Workshops have been held in recent weeks with a variety of stakeholders including but not limited to RASV members, Show exhibitors, competition committee members, community groups, venue clients and food and beverage advisory group members. Those who have participated in these workshops have provided great insights and ideas for the master plan.

The Our Showgrounds, Our Future plan will identify how the site can be improved to maximise its potential as a centre for agriculture, events, exhibitions, and wider community use.
The master plan continues to progress with committee members, community members, venue clients and food and beverage advisory group members invited to contribute at workshops held over the past few weeks.

Each session provided great insights and ideas for Melbourne Showgrounds. Their input is currently being collated, together with the community survey responses to help inform the designs within the master plan. These will form the basis for phase 2 of the community consultation.

RASV received strong community engagement with the dedicated Our Showgrounds, Our Future website receiving the following:

• more than 5,000 views and 3,600+ visits
• 288 surveys completed
• 68 stories and 19 comments submitted
• 103 subscriptions to receive updates via email

A summary report of the phase 1 stakeholder and community consultation findings will be made available. If you would like to register for master planning updates you can enter your contact details here.