The vision for Our Showgrounds, Our Future

To inform the development of the future of Melbourne Showgrounds, the first round of community and stakeholder consultation was held from July to August 2020.

These earlier workshops were designed to specifically hear the community and stakeholder thoughts on what works well and what could be improved about the current Melbourne Showgrounds layout and design.

A report that summarises these findings is available for viewing on the Our Showgrounds, Our Future website.

Based on this feedback, a draft vision has been prepared. This vision sets out the long-term future of Melbourne Showgrounds over the next 30 years and includes several options for important and exciting projects.

The thoughts and feedback from the wide and varied stakeholder base including Royal Melbourne Show exhibitors, Melbourne Showgrounds clients and the local community is important to influencing success of the vision.

The draft 30-year vision for Melbourne Showgrounds is available on the Our Showgrounds, Our Future website.

Feedback on the vision is welcome and interested stakeholders and groups are encouraged or email for further information.

A public webinar will be hosted on Wednesday 18 November 2020 from 6:30pm - 8:00pm with all interested stakeholders invited to attend. Please visit Our Showgrounds, Our Future to register.