Mr Duncan R. McGregor
A connecting link in the formation of the Society
D.R McGregor was one of the key individuals who contributed to the evolution of the Port Phillip Farmers' Society into the National Agricultural Society of Victoria (NASV), where he served as President in 1891-92.
Mr McGegor was a member of the Port Phillip Farmers' Society, formed in 1848 for the purposes of improving agriculture through competitions. That organisation led to the development of the National Agricultural Society of Victoria in 1870, of which Mr McGregor was a councillor.
For eleven terms, commencing in 1883, he served as Vice President on the Council and occupied the position of President from 1891 to 1892 following the approval of the society’s title change from ‘National’ to ‘Royal.’
During his time on council, Mr McGregor operated as a wine and spirit merchant for 40 years and bred shorthorn cattle. He was also heavily involved in showing both sheep and cattle, later becoming the donor of the Dalmore Trophy for Interbreed Champion.
Following his passing in 1912, Mr McGregor was dubbed a “good friend, good councillor and good citizen,” and was honoured for his valuable contributions and lengthy service to the Society.

D.R McGregor. Melbourne Royal Heritage Collection.