The Anderson Family

The Anderson family’s century-long dairy cattle connection

Seven generations of the Anderson family have been involved in the Melbourne Royal Show since the late 1800s.

The Anderson family has been exhibiting cattle at the Melbourne Royal since the end of the 19th century, and in 1996 they were awarded the President’s Medal for 100 years of exhibiting. The family’s connection to the Show runs deep, with members still heavily involved today.

What was King’s Vale Stud exhibiting Jerseys since 1886 has morphed over the years into King’s View, King’s Vale, King’s Ville, King’s Vista and now King’s Veldt stud. Regardless of the name, their strength in the competitions have been unwavering. The family has won countless awards for their cattle over the last century. Lindsay and his son Patrick Anderson are fifth and sixth generation Andersons. They are both keen cattle exhibitors and judges with Melbourne Royal.

Lindsay has attended the Show since he was four, showing and judging cattle. In 2019, the Berwick and District Agriculture and Horticulture Society presented the family with a plaque, commemorating their 120 year contribution to showing dairy cattle.

That same year, Patrick won back to back awards for junior judging at International Dairy Week. He was reserve winner for junior handling and won the IDW encouragement award. It’s a family affair. Patrick’s uncle and aunt, Rob and Kerrie Anderson have also been recognised by the industry through major awards. Patrick Anderson was awarded the 2019 RASV Youth Travel Scholarship to travel to dairy regions throughout America and Canada.

Lindsay Anderson said the Show is a lot more than winning ribbons.

“For most people it’s a social get together, a chance to compare notes, discuss where breeding strategies are going, what you think might happen, it was a forum before its time. It’s a marketing tool for people: if you did well here that helps sell your cattle.”
He recalls the days of the bull sales at the Show.

“Dad would bring a few bulls here, and if they were lucky enough to do well in their class they’d sell well, and that would help pay for all the expenses of trying to get here.”


Hear a snippet from Lindsay Anderson's Oral History interview below.