Mr Keith Dowsett
Working for all things Murray Grey
Keith Dowsett's journey with the Melbourne Royal Show began in 1977, exhibiting Murray Greys for the esteemed Corrick Murray Grey Stud.
Over the years Mr Dowsett continued exhibiting in his own right and represented other breeders with Murray Greys and Poll Herefords. In honour of the Corrick Murray Grey Stud and Mrs Betty McFarland, Keith provides memorial trophies for the four Murray Grey champions.
In 2005 Keith received an invitation to serve as a ring steward for the Murray Grey feature show, a role he has fulfilled ever since. He has been a dedicated beef cattle steward at the Melbourne Royal Show and is involved in breed inspections and cattle weighing. A man of many talents, Mr Dowsett once served as a steward in the dairy cattle judging.
Mr Dowsett was also ring steward for a Simmental feature show, a role that led to a particularly special moment. During a conversation with the judge, Bill Young from Scotland, it was revealed Mr Dowsett knew Bill Cato, who had worked on the Young family property in Scotland. Mr Doswett facilitated a reunion between the two men, bringing tears to Mr Young's eyes. Sadly, Mr Young passed away six months later, but the cherished memory of reuniting both men remains.
Mr Dowsett’s proudest moment came in 2018 during the interbreed judging at Melbourne Royal when he was presented with the prestigious President's Medal for his outstanding service and involvement with the RASV. Mr Dowsett’s love for the cattle industry and the Melbourne Royal Show continues to drive his unwavering dedication as a steward and patron.

Keith Dowsett (R) and Courtney Hazeldene, winner of the Corrick Memorial Trophy in 2017.