Mr Ross Draper and Ms Gay Ward
Beef cattle royalty at the Melbourne Royal

Gay Ward
There’s two names synonymous with beef cattle at the Melbourne Royal Show – Ross Draper and Gay Ward.
Since 1982, Mr Draper has embraced diverse roles, from exhibiting to stewarding and judging, while Ms Ward has been exhibiting since 2001.
Amidst a grand gathering of 72 cattle entries from 14 exhibitors across three states, Mr Draper’s and Ms Ward’s contributions shone brightly at the 2018 Red Poll Feature Show. It’s a pinnacle moment for both individuals, who both consider running the event to be a highlight of their Melbourne Royal Show journeys.
Their meticulous orchestration behind-the-scenes, coupled with Ross's masterful presentation in the judging ring, culminated in a triumphant win. Mr Draper’s bull, Red Cactus Joe, secured the coveted Supreme Exhibit award, crowned with a Kubota RTV500 as the prize. Another highlight was Mr Draper's iconic lead of his bull during the Beef Cattle Grand Parade, while perched aboard a straw bale in the back of the Kubota RTV he had won.
As dedicated members of the organising committee and the beef cattle community, their legacy intertwines with Melbourne Royal's heritage, a testament to the enduring spirit of excellence.

A triumphant grand parade for Ross Draper.